Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Three Birds and Hand Sanitizer

I know all 5 of my readers/friends/family are waiting with bated breath to find out the ending to this 24 hour urine collection saga. And really the whole collection thing was easy, breezy. Just waiting on Fedex to fetch the little box tomorrow.

It's the driving two days in a row to Phoenix Children's down the 10 that's the real story here.

And I should insert into this story now, the real brilliance of me. I scheduled this two day Foley insert and extraction event to coincide with another appointment today that I had already scheduled with GI a couple months ago plus I planned on getting quick labs needed for Neurology. I was going to kill 3 birds today all between the hours of 11:00 and 4:00!

So like yesterday, I got us out the door with the extra 15 minutes built in. Thankfully, for two days in a row now, there have been no last minute emergencies like spills, leaks, or well, gagging and puking. Those are the usual delays, and like I said, Austin has really held it together these last two mornings for me, and we have been right on schedule. Kudos to Austin.

And as for pump alarms? None. The thing chugged along perfectly all the way there and back.

Did Austin try to get his head off the headrest and stuck on his arm? Well...yes. But I caught him doing it in the first 2 minutes on the way to the gas station so I leaned his chair back a tiny bit further to give him a little more challenge.

So all that was left for the drive was to turn on the podcast and get cruising.

Have you ever driven the 10? It makes you feel alive! Only constant brushes with death can make you feel that way. What a thrill! What a rush! Weeeee!

We only passed one crash which used up only 5 minutes of my buffer so we arrived with time to spare. But lordy, I was sweating! I noticed this right away after pulling into the HC space and digging for the placard. I noticed because I was not smelling so fresh. So apparently in my rush to stay on schedule, I missed that all important step of applying antiperspirant/deoderant.

Well y'all, I'm a problem solver so I started looking in all the van compartments for a solution. A wet wipe, breath spray, essential oil...anything. And then I found my trusty hand sanitizer in the door pocket.

Let me tell you about hand sanitizer for armpits in a pinch. First of all, it works. Second of all, I know this because I spent an entire weekend, pregnant with Austin, with two little boys in a tent, camping with no shower, at Yellowstone National Park (husband joined a day later) and no deodorant. And this wasn't because I was afraid of attracting bears. It was because I forgot to pack it.

So, yeah, it works.

Onward and upward, we got to the Nephrology appointment to have poor Austin relieved of the invasive tube that was stuck up his...well, you know what. I thanked the gal for being quick because now I might have time for jalapeño poppers in the cafeteria! So I wheeled Austin to the main building.

I sign in at the desk. "Birth date", she asks. "Last name", she asks. She's searching her screen while tentatively sliding the visitor badge towards me.

"Don't tell me," I joke, "it's at the Avondale location...ha, ha, ha..." I laugh because I'm super funny.

"Actually," she says, "yes."

Holy, shidoobies! No time for poppers now! I glance at the clock and make quick calculations. If I hurry, I can still run up to labs and if there is no line, I can get the blood work done, get back to out to the van, and down the 10 to Avondale in time for his appt.

So the rest of the story is pretty boring. There's miraculously no line, we get the labs done in record time, get back out to the van which was parked on the 1st floor of the garage, zip back down the 10 to Avondale all with 30 minutes to spare before we have to check in.

No worries, y'all. I still think I'm brilliant. Just a brilliant person who needs put on deodorant and look more closely at the calendar before scheduling back to back to back appointments. That's all. 😄

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