Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August Update

I've had writer's paralysis for weeks now because I had not written for a while, then I went to the south and back, and now there has been so much that has occurred since the last post that I am overwhelmed with events that were not shared and may be forgotten now. Should I move on or try to remember all the cute and clever things my kids have said or funny things that have happened?

Hmm...the south...flew down with just the kids to visit mom and dad, my brother and his wife and 4 kids (2 of which were 3-4 week old twin baby girls...really cool to see them), and my BFF CDJ and her fam (this visit entailed probably the most harrowing events of the trip since on the drive over, I sat in 30 minutes of stand still traffic on I-20 because of a wreck and once I got past that, several pieces of old lumber flew off some guy's trailer that hit my dad's minivan, and then I drove the last hour in pouring rain. On the drive home I spent at least an hour and half in torrential rain in which I had to use my hazards so that other cars would see me since I could not see them.) We stayed in in the south about 12 days including travel days. During our stay, it rained ALOT (as I have already alluded to) and only got in the 80's until our last couple of days. This was a welcome relief compared to the hot dry summer and fires we were having up north. We swam at a few pools, ate at numerous restaurants, and watched what seemed like endless hours of game show television. We visited another (our 3rd) flight museum and saw more World War 2 airplanes. I think I'm done. I'm ready for Michael (8) to move on to something else. And I think he has....

When we returned from the south, our house guests for the next year were already here. DH's youngest brother and his fiance are going to work and go to school while staying with us. The kid's are thrilled, of course, to have an uncle here. I'm not so sure the uncle is as thrilled to have the kids here. But there is a new passion in the house. Football. They play football outside, watch football on TV and the news, and play football on the XBOX. I can live with football for a while. It's a nice change of pace from war planes and history channel.

So that's where I am right now...anticipating a visit from the rest of husband's fam this next week and getting ready for school and sports to start.