Wednesday, December 5, 2007


As I was cleaning the kitchen the other night, I overheard this conversation:

Jonathan (6), whining: "No, I don't want to wear those pajamas!"
Michael (8), soothingly: "But you look good in them..."
J: "I can't do the buttons."
M, helpfully: "I'll do them for you."
J: "But what if they come undone in the middle of the night?"
M: "Then I'll button them up for you."
J: " do I look?"
M: "You look great!"

Me: "Sigh..."


This morning on the way to school, my six year old Jonathan was making up a song and singing "Sugar bug, sugar bug...(something, something, something)".

My eight year old Michael decided to join in and change it to "Jitter bug, jitter bug...(etc.)."

So Jonathan, then, using all his rhyming skills and ability to make up knew words began singing "Sh...tterbug, sh...tterbug...." So instead of trying to explain, "no, that's something you have when you are sick", I just nipped that bug in the bud right there.