One article, Is God in Control? says,
Some sincere and well-meaning Christians would tell us that we must trust that God’s “ways are higher than our ways” (a verse usually taken grossly out of its context in Isaiah 55:7-11); that “all things work together for good” (a very poor KJV translation of Romans 8:28—the NIV is accurate and thus far more satisfying in terms of reality); that we must “take it on faith,” etc. Whoa—take what on faith? Biblically, “faith” is trust in an understandable promise.I wonder if his opinion is correct? I'm so sick of Christian phrases like "God has a reason for this" when applied to why crappy things happen to people. I'm having a hard time understanding God's plan and calling Him good who would allow bad things to happen if He could prevent them. I thought one of the results of "the Fall" is that we now know good from evil. So I have a hard time calling something that is clearly evil, good and attributing it to God and that He did it for a reason. Maybe I just don't understand theology very well. And anytime I try to, I get overwhelmed with all the different opinions and interpretations out there. But the problem is, right now, I feel like I need an answer. I need to know. Is this even possible?
Ugh. Sometimes I have too much time to think.
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